Anything with a motor


gladiator305 On Wednesday, June 9, 2010

So how about that ktm 85 I think it’s the worst 85 out there. It has an ugly orange color and it’s just plain up slow compared to the other 85’s out there. I’m sorry to whoever likes this bike but I just think its sucks and its ugly looking. If I were you I would never buy a ktm 85.

gladiator305 On

Speaking of 350 my dad has a 86 short bed Chevy with a 350 that is 30 over and it has a 650 double pumper holly. The truck also has hooker headers with flow masters and has a racing transmition. When you step on this truck hard without holding the breaks it peels out. The truck under is not the one but its similar.

gladiator305 On

That cr 85 is awesome it may not be the fastest but it is a torque monster. It is pretty fast compared to the ktm 85. The other good part about this bike is that it is the most durable 85 out there so if you want something durable and will last you should go with this 85. The only thing bad about this bike is that they stopped making it in 2008 so you would have to buy a used one.

gladiator305 On

So how about that kx 85. It is the fastest 85 motor stock out the door and its two stroke so you know it has quick acceleration. Plus it comes in the awesome monster energy graphics. The only thing bad it has is that it’s a little heavier the other 85’s but its power makes up for it. Also it’s one heck of a race bike for mortar or just plain up motocross.

gladiator305 On

This course has helped me in a number of ways. One way would be that now when i do home work that has to do with researching I know way more search engines to go to. This course has also helped me pick up my typing speed. when I use the programs such as powerpoint and word it is so excideing and it makes my teachers happy that i typed up my work rather than writeing it.

The first academic way this class has helped is by helping me become a better researcher. This class has made me go and research many things that Ive had to use multiple search engines i did not know about such as and so now When i do home work i can find information more quickly.

The second academic way this class has helped me is by teaching me how to type faster. Not only has this class taught me to type faster but how the propper way to type. When I grow up and go to apply for a job that involves typing they will most likely ask me to do a typing test and they will look at my typing speed an they will look at how my hands are placed on the key board and this class has taught me all that.

The third way this class has helped me academicly is by helping me get better using microsoft office word and powerpoint. Now that I got better at using these my power points and essays come out better and my teacher give me better grades.As you can see this course has impacted me in a couple of ways and im lookeing forward to takeing this class next year.

gladiator305 On Tuesday, June 1, 2010

So how about that new 2010 Kawasaki kfx 400. It’s a pretty good setup from Kawasaki. Its Kawasaki’s fastest ATV and a torque monster that will give you everything you want and sure won’t disappoint you.

gladiator305 On

Also the 2010 arctic cat 1000 is the new best mud bike to buy now. It has the biggest ATV motor ever made with a 1000 cc motor that has too much power for this bike and honestly this atv is a beast and one of the top five bikes to buy this year. This atv also has independent suspension which helps when you have big strong motor like this arctic cat.